Vulnerability Management Program Framework


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大规模的数据泄露事件促使许多公司采取更强有力、更主动的管理措施 vulnerabilities in their environments. Yet, 随着企业基础设施变得越来越复杂——包括云和跨越广泛的攻击面——企业发现,要完全了解其生态系统中迅速扩散的漏洞变得越来越困难. Capitalizing on the opportunity, cybercriminals have learned how to exploit chains of weaknesses in systems, applications, and people.

What is a Vulnerability Management Program Framework?

漏洞管理计划通过建立一个全面和持续的识别过程来解决当今的现代网络安全挑战, classifying, remediating, and mitigating vulnerabilities before attackers can take advantage of them.

At the heart of these vulnerability management programs is often a 漏洞扫描器,自动评估和理解整个基础设施的风险, 生成易于理解的报告,帮助企业正确且快速地确定必须修复或减轻的漏洞的优先级.

4 Steps of a Vulnerability Management Program

A vulnerability scanner automates the vulnerability management process, typically breaking it down into the following four steps. It’s important to note that a good vulnerability management process should continually scan for vulnerabilities as they are introduced into the environment, as circumstances can quickly change.

1. Identifying vulnerabilities

The first and most essential step in any vulnerability process, of course, is to bring to light all of the vulnerabilities that may exist across your environment. 漏洞扫描器通过扫描存在的所有可访问系统来实现这一点从笔记本电脑、台式机和服务器到数据库、防火墙、交换机、打印机等等.

From there, 漏洞扫描程序识别在这些系统上运行的任何开放端口和服务, 登录到这些系统并尽可能收集详细信息,然后将获得的信息与已知漏洞关联起来. 这种洞察力可用于为各种受众创建报告、指标和指示板.

2. Evaluating vulnerabilities

Once you’ve identified all the vulnerabilities across your environment, 您需要对它们进行评估,以便根据您的组织适当地处理它们构成的风险 cybersecurity risk management strategy. 不同的漏洞管理解决方案对漏洞使用不同的风险评级和分数, 但新程序的一个常用参考框架是通用漏洞评分系统(CVSS).

Vulnerability scores can help organizations determine how to prioritize the vulnerabilities they’ve discovered, 重要的是,还要考虑其他因素,以形成对任何给定漏洞所构成的真正风险的完整理解. 同样值得注意的是,漏洞扫描器在极少数情况下会产生误报, 因此,在这个过程的这个阶段,除了风险评分之外,还必须包括其他考虑因素.

3. Treating vulnerabilities 

After you’ve prioritized the vulnerabilities that you’ve found, 及时与您的原始业务或网络利益相关者合作处理这些问题非常重要. Depending on the vulnerability in question, treatment usually proceeds according to one of the following three paths:

  1. Remediation: Fully fixing or patching a vulnerability so that it cannot be exploited, which is usually the most preferable option whenever possible.
  2. Mitigation. When remediation can’t be accomplished, 组织可以选择下一个最佳选项,通过实现补偿控制来减少漏洞被利用的可能性. This solution should be temporary, buying time for an organization to eventually remediate the vulnerability.
  3. Acceptance. 如果一个漏洞被认为是低风险的,或者修复它的成本比利用它的成本要高得多, an organization may choose simply to take no action to fix the vulnerability.

When determining specific treatment strategies, it is best for an organization’s security team, system owners, 系统管理员应该聚在一起决定正确的补救方法——无论是发布软件补丁还是刷新物理服务器.

Once remediation is considered complete, it’s wise to run another vulnerability scan to make sure that the vulnerability has, in fact, been effectively remediated or mitigated.

4. Reporting vulnerabilities 

提高检测和处理漏洞的速度和准确性对于管理它们所代表的风险至关重要, 这就是为什么许多组织不断地评估其漏洞管理程序的有效性. 他们可以利用漏洞管理解决方案中的可视化报告功能来实现这个目的.

Armed with the insights needed, IT团队可以确定哪些补救技术将帮助他们以最少的努力修复最多的漏洞. Security teams, for their part, 是否可以使用此报告监控脆弱性趋势,并将其降低风险的进展传达给领导层.

Ideal solutions will include integrations with IT ticketing systems and patch management to accelerate the process of sharing information between teams. This helps customers make meaningful progress toward reducing their risk. 企业还可以使用这些评估来满足其遵从性和监管需求.

4 Vulnerability Management Program Tips

  1. Conduct comprehensive scans. 虽然许多企业曾经发现扫描企业网络上的服务器和台式电脑就足够了, today’s complex and rapidly evolving IT environment requires a comprehensive approach. Your vulnerability management program should provide visibility into your entire attack surface, including the cloud, and automatically detect devices as they connect to your network for the first time.
  2. Continually assess your vulnerabilities. Infrastructures and applications can change on a daily and even hourly basis. For this reason, 您必须不断地扫描您的环境,以确保尽可能早地识别新的漏洞. 许多漏洞管理解决方案包括端点代理和其他集成,它们可以为您提供整个环境中的漏洞的实时视图.
  3. Accelerate your processes. 在漏洞管理过程中引入自动化对于正确管理您的企业在规模上面临的现代风险至关重要.  Human decisions play a critical role in every vulnerability management program, 但是自动化可以帮助简化在这些关键决策点之前和之后完成的重复工作.
  4. Address weaknesses in people, too. Vulnerabilities are not limited to technology; they exist in the human element within an organization as well. Security teams must collaborate with IT operations and application development groups to more quickly identify and remediate vulnerabilities of all kinds. Meanwhile, 用户教育和模拟可以提高组织对网络钓鱼和其他社会工程攻击的弹性.

Businesses face growing risks as the attack surface continues to expand, increasing the number of vulnerabilities for hackers to exploit. 漏洞管理程序为公司提供了大规模管理这些风险的框架, detecting vulnerabilities across the entire environment with greater speed. 同时,分析帮助组织不断优化他们用于补救的技术.

Latest Patch Updates, Vulnerabilities, and Exploits

With a strong vulnerability management program or managed vulnerability management (MVM) 在适当的情况下,企业可以更好地应对他们不仅今天而且未来面临的风险.